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Saltfire ST1 stove in Foundry Street Brighton

Saltfire ST1 in the North Laines Brighton

Saltfire ST1 in the North Laines Brighton

Saltfire ST1 in the North Laines Brighton

Saltfire ST1 in the North Laines Brighton

Saltfire ST1 in the North Laines Brighton

Saltfire ST1 in the North Laines Brighton

Saltfire ST1 example installation in Foundry Street Brighton BN1

This installation was in Foundry Street BN1 in Brighton's North Laines.

The Saltfire ST1 was chosen for its uncluttered lines, efficiency (83.9%), price and its DEFRA approval as Foundry Street lies within Brighton and Hove City Council's Smoke Control Area.

An existing fireplace was removed and the fireback dug out. The back hearth was repaired and Sean Wilson the Brighton Chimney Sweep swept and pressure tested the flue.

The opening was made good and the flue passed the pressure test (no smoke into habitable space and the flue held the smoke without leakage for 10 minutes).

The hearth was tiled with dark grey floor slates as Saltfire stoves require, as a minimum, a 12mm thick superimposed hearth with a 225mm projection in front. The slates were finished in WD40 to obtain that 'wet' look.  This also means they are sealed against staining and ash marks.

The opening was decorated and the installation was completed.

Saltfire stoves have a fixed throat plate so as routine I fit flue pipes with chimney sweep access panels. as well as registration plates with sweeps access. Not strictly necessary when a liner is not being used but it makes sure the installation will remain serviceable for many years to come.

An interesting aspect of the Saltfire ST1 is it's flame pattern. I have noticed with very high efficiency burners that if the burner achieves working temperature then the air supply if significantly reduced or cut via the air controls it is possible to disembody the flames from the fuel. This is an eerie and unusual effect and can usually be sustained for about 10 minutes before the fire self extinguishes.

I account for it as the combustion of the gases that are being expelled from the wood, hence the relatively short timeframe but it is an effect that is worth seeing.

The total installation came to £945 including supply of the burner and was completed in three visits in just under 10 days.

September 2014