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Grey Metal Nero 5kW in Kemptown Brighton

Grey Metal Nero 5kW in Kemptown Brighton

Grey Metal Nero 5kW in Kemptown Brighton

Grey Metal Nero 5kW in Kemptown Brighton

Grey Metal Nero 5kW in Kemptown Brighton


Grey Metal Nero 5kW installation
in Kemptown Brighton BN2

This installation was in Bloomsbury Street Kemptown Brighton BN2.

The installation was in a Victorian property which had had its chimney breast removed.

This part of Kemptown is outside the smoke control area hence a Grey Metal Nero stove was chosen for robustness, looks and value.

The removal of the chimney breast presented a problem that could only be resolved with a Dinak DW twinwall system chimney.

The Dinak DW system is intended never to never reach temperatures over 75°C on the exterior of the pipe and is thus safe to transit between wooden suspended floors. The system's safe distance to combustible materials is 60mm.

An 8 metre system was specified and a foul weather cowl was included in the price due to proximity to the seafront. Due to concerns about the intrusiveness of a stainless steel chimney in the area the exterior of the chimney was sprayed metallic grey to match the burner in Thermacure high heat paint.

The same was done in the lounge with the burner to make the installation harmonize as one. A Raj green sandstone slab was selected as the hearth and sized appropriately.

Due to clarification from HETAS this could be sized to 225mm in front and 150mm all round. Because the Nero has been tested to put less than 100°C of heat on the hearth a superimposed hearth was all that was needed.

The stove was lit on possibly the hottest day of the year thus far. The chimney system carries a 10 year guarantee the stove a 2 year.

The hearth was £40, the Nero supplied and fitted was £789 the chimney system was £2400.


June 2015